SPAPTAN is a network of Christian professionals and trade peoples, we foster life and friendship through christian living and the contribution of our working expertise for the development of ourselves and our community.
We also promote communal interactions through seminars, training, and different events which benefit individuals and communities.
At SPAPTAN we have six strategic departments: 1. Building Maintenance team, 2. Management team, 3. Legal team,
4. Educational team, 5. IT support team, and 6. Health, Well-being and Social Services team.
We do welcome anyone who is open to the christian way of life as a member of SPAPTAN.
By coordinating a capacity of assistance through the contribution of our working expertise, skills and talents, we foster life and community development to promote solidarity, equality, friendship and right living through skills contribution, education, health care, legal and general professional assistance.
We have professionals from all works of life including healthcare, Building and Maintenance, Project Management, Legal, Education, Finance and accounts, IT, Public Relations and Marketing; and we offer these wide range of services for the benefits of the community at large.
Our aim is to help each other reach our God given potential in our communities, families and workplaces.